The Ash Wednesday Bushfires of 1983

On the 16th of February 1983, a fire ignited at McLaren Flat, south of Adelaide. More bushfires occured soon after, burning 2080 square kilometres of land in South Australia and 2100 square kilometres of land in Victoria [16]. 28 fatalities were recorded in South Australia, and 14 of those were in the Adelaide Hills and 14 in the South-East. Mortality and destruction progressed at a rapid rate. In South Australia alone, over 300 homes were lost [17]. In both states, 75 lives were lost and almost 1900 homes were were destroyed [18]. Overall, 3000 properties were destroyed, with 340000 sheep and 18000 cattle lost as well. That day presented the climatic conditions perfect for bushfires. A 10 month drought was occuring, with dry, hot conditions and winds reaching speeds of 100km/hr [19].


Figure 6: A home destroyed in the wake of the Ash Wednesday bushfires.


Figure 7: A farm burned by the Ash Wednesday bushfires.